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发布人:李楠 发布日期:2016-06-14


南宋时,南安太守杜宝,一心要把爱女丽娘培养成“闺范女模”,他请府学生员陈最良任教,命丫环春香伴读,以《诗经》向丽娘灌输封建“后妃之德”。与杜宝愿望相反,丽娘却向往自由,无心读书。 面对无拘无束、邀游太空的袅袅晴丝, 丽娘深感闺中寂寞。她不顾父母的拘禁,大胆冲出绣阁,与春香同去花园赏春。

百花盛开,万紫千红,断井颓垣,一片凄清。冷落的园景,更引起丽娘无限感慨,游兴未尽而归。丽娘思春,悠然入梦。梦见与一秀才相会在牡丹亭前。群花翩翩起舞,赞助这对纯真挚诚的青年情投意合。 但好梦不长,虽然梦和人生灵活现,梦却寻不见,忘不了。隐情无处诉,痴心难轻抛,丽娘在病中自描春容,题诗其上,竟饮恨与世长辞。




    The Peony Pavilion

    It is the last days of the Southern Song Dynasty. On a fine Spring day, her maid persuades Du Liniang, the sixteen year old daughter of an important official,Du Bao, to abandon her studies and take a walk in the garden, where she falls asleep.In Du Liniang’s dream she encounters a young scholar, identified Iater in the play as Liu Mengmei, whom in real life she has never met. Liu’s bold advances starts off a flaming romance between the two and it flourishes rapidly. Du Liniang’s dream is interrupted by a flower petal falling on her (according to her soliloquy recounting the incidence in a later act: Reflection on the lost dream. However, she was apparently awoken by her mother according to the script itself).

    Du Liniang, however, is since preoccupied with the intense oneiric affair and her lovesickness quickly consumes her .

    Unable to recover from her fixation, Du Liniang wastes away and dies.

    The president of the underworld adjudicates that a marriage between Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei is predestined and DuLiniang ought to return to the earthly world.

    Du Liniang appears to Liu Mengmei in his dreams who now inhabits the same garden where Du Liniang had her fatal dream.Once recognizing that Du Bao’s deceased daughter is the lady who appears in his dreams, Liu agrees to exhume her upon her request and Du Liniang is brought back to life. Liu visits Du Bao and informs him of his daughter’s newly resurrection. However,Liu is met with disbelief and imprisoned for being a grave robber and an impostor. The ending of the play follows the formula of many Chinese comedies. Liu Mengmei narrowly escapes death by torture thanks to the arrival of the results of the imperial examination in which Liu has topped the list. The emperor pardons all.

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朱冰贞 饰 杜丽娘



朱冰贞 饰 杜丽娘



翁佳慧 饰 柳梦梅

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翁佳慧 饰 柳梦梅

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朱冰贞 饰 杜丽娘 翁佳慧 饰 柳梦梅

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朱冰贞 饰 杜丽娘 翁佳慧 饰 柳梦梅














